Saturday, January 14, 2012

One of many happy days

Today is a happy day. Today cancer doesn't exist in my eyes because today is my mother's birthday. If fact thats the last I will write or speak that word today. She turn 52 today and I can't be more proud to have her as a mother. She has taught me more than I can ever put into words. Sometimes the people you love the most are the people that you sometimes forget to tell them how much they mean to you. My mom has always been my best friend and always will be. I hope that I am half the mother she is. She always had the perfect balance between being a friend to me that I could talk to about anything and still being the parent that I am pretty sure that I said "I hate you" as a teenager many times. In my eyes that means you are doing your job as a parent when your teenager "hates" you at some point.

We are so much alike it is scary. I sometimes wonder if we have any differences at all. I used to get annoyed and irritated when people would say "you look and act just like your mother" but now its the greatest compliment I could ever get. She is my inspiration. She is so strong and compassionate about helping others and she has had so many people say the most amazing things about her that it is overwhelming. I know that she will read this and cry and I hope she does. I hope that this post tells her everything that is sometimes hard to get out in words.

My sister (Ticia) and I are taking her to get manicures and pedicures today and then our family is cooking out and grilling steaks and playing silly games all afternoon. We may even play a little dance dance revolution on the Wii but I am sure us girls will have to battle the guys against playing the fishing game on the Wii. But I am sure we will win. We always get our way!
Well I just want to say Happy Birthday to the most amazing woman on this earth. My mom!


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