Saturday, February 4, 2012

Donations for My Mom

** We have set up a donations account for my parents. The PayPal button is on the right that links to their account. Thank you and God Bless. **

Anyone that has experienced any type of medical illness understands the amount of money and crap that you have to go through with insurance companies. As if the amount of stress in just receiving a terminal diagnosis isn't enough, adding insurance companies, prescriptions, dr. bills, and everything else that goes along with that can become so overwhelming. Hell just parking at the freaking hospital adds up!

The sad part is that the more important things like family vacations, family outings, or just hobbies in general get pushed aside because all you care about is keeping your loved one healthy so you make those sacrifices. But in the end, those are the things we end up regretting. I wonder how many that have lost a loved one have said to themselves "I wish I would have spent more time with them" or " I wish I wouldn't have let the bills control my life and my time with them." I am sure it happens all too often. Donations is not something that is easy for my family to ask for. I struggled with this concept for a long time which is why I am just now doing it. I have had several requests from friends and family that I do this so they can feel as though they are helping. I understand that and so I decided to set up an account for my parents.

She was on a trial in the beginning in which was going to pay for a lot of her medications and treatment. This last horrible hospital run took her off the trial and only added a billion more medications that I can't even keep up with. She has to give herself shots every day along with several other medications.
My parents are very humble people and a little prideful so I am sure this will come to them as a shock. I don't want to have any regrets with my family. We have already been extremely blessed with the amount of support we have received through flowers, food, cards, and just friendly faces visiting. From the bottom of our hearts, our family appreciates anything and everything and all of the support from our wonderful friends and family.

My mom is doing well as of now. She just had her third round of chemo and occasionally gets sick, but is mostly really tired. I am thankful for her progress and if she can make it through what she went through while in the hospital, I know she can make it through much more. The amount of strength she has is amazing! For anyone that knows her knows the heart and fight that she has in her. I am happy she has the chance to fight.

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