Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rest in Peace Sweet Momma

As most everyone knows my sweet momma became an angel on August 5th 2012. I had been at the house Thursday and Friday as she began to worsen, but was still able to communicate. Friday every time she looked at me she cried as if she knew what was going to happen.  I wish I would have been aware of more signs, but I also tend to think that we block out what we don't want to see.  Friday I cried with her and just told her how proud of her I was.  And how she had instilled family in us and we were going to take care of each other.  She didn't say a word throughout the entire conversation until we started talking about her mom.  I told her that although she had to leave many that she loved, she was going to get to see her mom that she had missed for so many years.  Then she said "I missed seeing her".  I didn't catch on to it at the time, but looking back I believe that she had already seen her.  The transition phase to the after life is so interesting and something based purely on faith, but encounters like this only reinforce those beliefs.

We didn't go over there on Saturday, but Sunday we were all outside swimming and laughing having a good time and I know she heard us.  I looked up in the sky and saw the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen.  The clouds had a split in them and the sun rays were shining through them.  I showed my sister-in-law, brother, and Shon and Ticia said "It looks so Heavenly".  Then as everyone else had gone inside I sat outside by myself for a little while and a hummingbird flew up right in front of me. It hung out for a little bit and then flew up in the sky.  My grandfather fed the hummingbirds when he lived with us and I hadn't seen one since. A few hours later, my mom took her last breath with my dad standing at her side.

Last week as I prepared for her funeral, everything was such a blur.  She had always talked to me about how losing her mom was the hardest week of her life and as she prepared for the funeral she was in such go mode that she did not allow it to sink in.  Well we are exactly alike because I was planning and going non stop last week that I didn't stop to think about what life without her would be like.  I don't think I slept more than 2 hours each night last week before the funeral on Friday.

I have felt nothing but numbness since she passed.  I haven't even had a big break down and sometimes I feel guilty about that.  Tuesday night as I prepared to do her makeup on Wednesday I started to freak out and thought that I couldn't do it.  I know most people aren't able to apply the makeup on their loved one but she did it for her mother and I felt like I needed to do it for her.  It was important to me that she looked like herself as much as possible, even though it was only the shell of her soul.  I had to remind myself that she is no longer in pain and this physical body was holding her back from being free.  Wednesday morning I woke up with a sense of calm throughout my body.  I truly believe it was her helping me through something that meant so much to me, just as I believe she was right by my side at the funeral as I read the poem she wanted read and the letter I wrote to her.

These few days after the funeral have been some of the worst.  Its like the world is moving on with their lives and I am supposed to too.  How do you do that?  I have to go back to work next week and get into a "normal" routine when my life will not be normal ever again.  I guess I will gain a new sense of "normalcy".  Many times in the past few days I have just stared at her picture and wished that I could hug her and feel the warmth of her body and the comfort of her soul. She could always make me feel better and life my spirits. She was my best friend and even as Sterling came down with strep this week I wanted so badly to call her and ask her what tricks she had up her sleeve.  I know that time will allow for healing but I will never stop missing her. My dad texted me today and told me that a humming bird flew up about a foot in front of him and stayed until he moved.  She will always be with us and watching over us.

I have had a few requests to post the letter that I read at the funeral that I wrote to my mom.  The Poem that I read is called The Dash and everyone should read it.  She requested that it be read at her funeral.  Here is the letter to my mom:


Im not really sure where to begin with you. There are so many things I feel for you that are too strong to put into words. We always just got each other. From the time Cory and I were born you and dad made unbelievable sacrifices for us that at the time we had no idea about and probably took for granted on many occasions. I don't remember a single cheerleading event or softball game that you were not at. Im sure that there were times that my stuff conflicted with Corys but you somehow managed to make it to both events. You were always right by my side for anything I needed . You were a sounding board for a teenager that had so many questions and curiosities when trying to find out who I was and what my purpose in life was. You supported every dream I had in life matter how big it was. There was never a time I didn't feel like my mom didn't have my back. 

Now don't get me wrong, I am 100% your daughter and I am pretty sure we had many knock down drag out fights that drove dad and Cory crazy because they seemed never ending cause we both had to have the last word. We are both so opinionated, strong willed, stubborn, and full of ideas which at times was a recipe for a never ending fight that we both always ended up in tears appologizing to each other. Now the appology took a couple of days and sometimes weeks due to stubborness on both sides, but we still did it. We are so much alike that it used to drive me crazy and now it makes me proud. 

I won't get into how proud of a daughter I am because I think you know, and I will spare eveyone the tears. I know that on my birthday on Tuesday I wasn't sad, but thankful that God chose me to be your daughter. Because of my career path, I have seen so many young girls grow up without a role model and I just feel so lucky to have had you as mine. 

I never understood when you told me that you were going to be my enemy at some point and then it would transition to my best friend. Now I get it. I definitely thought you were my enemy in high school and sometimes I thought you and dad's goal was to make me miserable, now to only understand you were helping me make choices that I wasn't ready to make. Thats what good parents do and I have two amazing ones.

You were so incredibly talented. Everything you did you were good at and it used to make me so mad! You knew everything too. I have clear memories of crazy food dishes that you would make every night and I would roll my eyes because you knew I was picky but made it anyways. Now im going to have to google everything because I knew I could call you asking what some crazy spice was and you knew exactly what aisle in the grocery store I could find it on. Or if I had a question about gardening it was like you had memorized every flower and plant book ever made. I just always remember asking you "how do you know this stuff?" You were a beautiful painter and so incredibly creative even though you were your own worst critic. Thank you for passsing that talent along to me. It makes up for the awesome migraines that you passed along as well.

Most people would say "I wont' speak for dad and Cory" but Im going to go ahead and speak for them because you and I always spoke for them growing up so why change now. As a wife I hope to be half of what you were for dad. Growing up and even more now I never questioned your love for him. You took care of him and I can't tell you how thankful I am to have a relationship to model my own marriage after. He always had your back even though I tried many times to persuade him to be on my side, and sometimes it almost worked. You were a mother to a son and now he has a beautiful wife that he treats like he would treat you. 

You are a beautiful soul and I think last night was a testament to how many lives you touched. Your passion in life was just to help someone in need and you did it so well. I heard over and over last night that "your mom was special" and thats all anyone had to say. I know how hard you fought and thank you for that. I will never be the same without you but I will never be without you in my heart. You will forever be my hummingbird.

I love you.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Overwhelming Emotions

Its been a few months since I last posted. I don't know how many times I started to write and I either had nothing to say or it meant that I had to deal with my mom being terminally ill. Mostly I have been avoiding dealing and of all people I know better but that is why we are human. Defense mechanisms result from survival mode during stressful times and thats what I am in along with my family. Unfortunately this post is a completey different tone, filled with the opposite emotions, and full of dissapointing news than my last post in May.

As most know the chemo was no longer working according to my moms latest scan on June 25. June 22 was one of the most joy filled days as we welcomed our beautiful baby girl and only two days later was one of the most devastating days of my life aside from the day she was diagnosed on December 29 2011. I sat in my hospital room staring at the building across the parking lot where my mom had been admitted to. I was sad. Sad that I couldn't go see her when she was only a parking lot away and sad that our family was just told that our biggest fear was coming true. To be hit with mounds of joy and sadness at the same time is so overwhelming and beyond what I think we can control . There is guilt for feeling happiness during so much sadness and vice versa. I wasn't and still am not really sure what to feel. My mom and family chose to stop treatment and she has been at home since she left the hospital. Its hard to accept the words "there is nothing else we can do" and you just want to be angry at them because in your eyes the doctors are giving up. But in reality they aren't the ones your really angry at. Cancer.. Thats the only evil in the picture.

I still am not sure I understand His plan yet. It just seems so cruel. But I have faith and hope. Something my mom instilled in me as a child. These next few months will be the hardest months of my life. I know that I will eventually get through this and one day I will be filled with nothing but joy when I think about my mom. She is something special and I am not sure what I am going to do when the good Lord finally decides he is ready for his new angel. Life without her just doesn't seem right. I hate talking about her being gone because she is still here but its reality and its what I am faced with right now. I am so proud of her. She has fought and is still fighting a good fight.

Even though she is weak and tired she is fighting hard. She got in the pool with us this weekend. Something that would have been really easy to say I am too weak to do but she didn't. Anyone that knows her, knows that her biggest joy in life is being surrounded by family. When it feels like we are not doing enough to help her, I try to remind myself that our presence is much stronger than any act of service. It puts a smile on my face the way she lights up when she hears Sterling. They have a special bond and she loves him "to the moon and back". I know I will always have someone to protect him.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Very Special Mother's Day

This is a post that I have been working on for a while, and I wanted to post it yesterday but I have been struggling with this one. Its a touchy one and I don't want it to be all sadness and tears, but I wanted to share it.

My mom's and my relationship has been defined by many years of love, bickering, always having to have the last word, love, deep conversations, trust, love, honesty (sometimes too honest), stubbornness, and most importantly love.  My dad even called us identical twins this weekend while celebrating Mother's Day.  Growing up, we were constantly bickering and arguing and my dad and brother were consistently annoyed by us.  But the second I had a problem or needed advice I turned to her.  She knew everything about me.  She can read me like a book, mostly because I am just like her.  I think like her, enjoy the same things as her, and it is definitely safe to say that she is my mother. Her creativity was something I admired in her growing up.  I was always so proud to show my friends what my mom had made, and anything they wanted made they would go to her.  I wanted to be just like her and now I find myself diving into these crazy projects like she would. We both drive our husbands crazy, but then they love the end product.

I have always relied on her for everything.  I have always known I can ask her anything and nothing is too embarrassing.  Before she stopped working, I would drive her crazy with all of my phone calls because if I wanted to know something (and I was very impatient and wanted to know the answer right then) I would call her about 7 times a day until she told me to stop calling.  When I went to college, I would call her to ask her where something was exactly in the grocery store. Or if I was trying to experiment with cooking and I didn't know what a certain ingredient was I would call her.  She not only told me where it was but helped me understand what it was and what you use it for.  I still do this to this day because I swear she is an encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to food, gardening, or crafts! I have yet to find something she doesn't know what it is or how to use it.

She has been my rock during some really tough times in my life and was never anything but supportive.  Looking back on growing up, I think about how many times I was so angry at her and how she just took it and knew it was what was best for me at the time.  I now understand that as a parent, and understand why she said that you are the enemy first and then the friend. I felt like she was my enemy in high school, when in reality she was my biggest ally, and today is my best friend.

Even today she drives me crazy playing devils advocate at times, or telling me to use the stupid netty pot when I have a cold when I tell her 10 times a week that I hate that thing, or when she calls me and makes sure that I have doctor's appointments scheduled for me and Sterling, or if I remembered to do this or that.  With everything that has happened, those little things that always drove me crazy and still sometimes do, I am so thankful for and they make me smile.  Because that's what mom's do.  And she is why I am the person I am today, because of all those little things, and because she loves me.

Obviously Mother's Day is special for us.  It always has been, but we also take it for granted a lot of times and it's not until you are faced with losing someone that something like Mother's Day becomes so special.  It just the way human beings work.  We had a low key Mother's Day and just hung out at my parents house and cooked out and Sterling swam and we were just a family.  Which is better than any material gift I could have thought of.

I just wanted to share how much I love my mommy.  I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day with your families!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Update on Mom

Its been a while since my last post and I know a lot of people are wondering how my mom is doing so I decided to do a quick update. There really hasn't been a lot of new changes lately. She is still going to chemo every week and is now 3 weeks on and then has a week off. They lowered her pain medication a little so that she wasn't out of it and tired all the time, but I think she is now feeling some aches and pains that she wasn't feeling before. She has recently been getting sick more often than before but its no where near what it was when she was in the hospital. The doc just said its just part of chemo.

She is already due for another CAT scan next week so that of course will tell us much more. I just hope I can keep my blood pressure down that week! I know I haven't posted any deep posts lately and to be honest I can feel myself avoiding the whole situation and acting like everything is back to normal. When things are good and you have good news from the last CAT scan its easy to go on with your life and pretend the word terminal doesn't exist anymore. Hopefully soon I will be able to let it all out but until that time I will try to continue to update with the facts.

Take care and God Bless Everyone and their families!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Prayer Warriors

My mom has had a lot of good days lately. He has been able to keep food down and actually enjoy food. She is getting stronger by the day and I am so grateful that she is able to get back to herself.. Somewhat. She has been given the opportunity to fight by her body rebuilding and allowing her that chance. The Devil seems to kick you when you are down and she kept fighting back and is slowly turning the tables on him.

Tomorrow is a huge day for our family she goes in around 10 to see her doctor and then her CAT scan at 11:30. The scan will tell us if the chemo is working or not. Doc said it was an all or nothing thing and it's either working or it's not. If its not then she is faced with a decision to move on to a more intensive chemo or stop treatment completely.

I haven't slept in three days and I don't think the rest of my family has much either due to anticipation and anxiety about this scan tomorrow. She is understandably freaking out about it and I'm just ready for it to be over. I think the doctor said he would call her some time on Friday with the results.

I know everyone has continuously kept her in your prayers, and I truly believe that has played a major role on her getting better. Please send a few extra her way tomorrow as she has this scan. I will keep everyone updated.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 7 of Treatment

Week 7 of treatment

My mom just had her 6th chemo treatment (she missed a week on the 7 week treatment plan) and things are really going well. It seems as though her doctor finally found the right combination of medicine and she is starting to get her energy back and FINALLY is no longer getting sick anymore! Last week they did some extra blood work beyond what they normally do every week and found that she is now pre-diabetic which is fairly common with pancreatic cancer. The medication that she is on for that really seemed to be the turning point when she stopped getting sick, her color started looking much better, and she has slowly started to get her energy back and feel as though she can do things outside of lying in bed and watching T.V. Her spirits seem to have lifted which is the most exciting part to me. She was feeling so crappy that I can only imagine what it felt like. Heck I want to lye around and watch T.V. all day and take naps and I am just pregnant!

She has her CAT scan scheduled for Wednesday of next week and the doctor said that he would call her with the results within two days. He originally said he would go over them the next week at chemo but she told him that wasn’t going to fly and she needed them sooner J Sounds just like my mom huh? He was very pleased with her progress and seems optimistic but of course they can’t make any educated guesses and I don’t expect him to. I would hate to be provided false hope and I think he completely respects that. Next week will be a big week for us. I am sure it will be full of high stress and anxiety for all parties involved. All we can ask for is prayers. We have been blessed beyond blessed with support and it is unbelievable how much people care.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions! I know my mom sometimes is hard to get ahold of because she sleeps a lot, but it seems as though that is getting a lot better. My dad, myself, and my brother are all open to any communication or anything anyone is curious about!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We are all on a timeline. We all have a place in this world and we all have a plan as to what our path is supposed to look like. Choosing to look at and acknowledge that timeline is where we as human beings struggle. Avoidance is probably among one of the most commonly used defense and coping mechanisms in our society and I see it every day. I do it every day. We choose to avoid acknowledging anything that can cause us any form of pain no matter where it lies on the scale. The difference with my mom is she is being forced to face her timeline and it has been thrown in her face. Me, I could die in a car accident tomorrow, but I choose to not think about that because it is so uncertain and I don't have to think about that. The similarity is that none of us know details and time limits of that timeline. We all never know when our time to transition to an angel is, and that is the scary part.
I can't imagine my timeline being thrown in my face and waived around in front of me. I know this is a daily struggle for her, but the positive is that only one person knows the amount of time that is allocated to her timeline. She is strong, and determined to fight this. The ironic part is she has no idea how strong she is and I am sure she has many days in which she feels nothing but weakness. I wish that I could erase her timelines and this would all go away. But again that would be avoiding reality. It seems so much easier and less painful to avoid facing it, but that isn't real. Pancreatic cancer has affected all aspects of her life and unfair as it seems, it is life. But of all people, she has the passion in her to fight it she just has to tap into that passion. She is one of the strongest women I know. I get my independent nature from her and it sometimes causes us to butt heads but I love that I am a clone of her. Cause it gives me faith that I have the strength to make it through this. She gave me that strength... Along with her migraines, stubbornness, always have to have the last word, and you know all that fun stuff.

What facing our reality head on looks or feels like, I'm not really sure yet. I don't think I have fully chosen that route yet, but I know it will be painful when I do. I'm only at the part where I am putting my faith in a higher power and trying to fully trust that it will all be ok.. one day. After time heals the pain or we are blessed with a miracle of life.

I hate that this post will probably come across very depressing and seem as though I have lost hope. That couldn't be any further from the truth. My hope is stronger than it ever has been before . It's been a difficult week. I had a student lose a parent at the young age of 15 unexpectedly and it just made me think about timelines. About how they are so unpredictable, but we all have one.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Donations for My Mom

** We have set up a donations account for my parents. The PayPal button is on the right that links to their account. Thank you and God Bless. **

Anyone that has experienced any type of medical illness understands the amount of money and crap that you have to go through with insurance companies. As if the amount of stress in just receiving a terminal diagnosis isn't enough, adding insurance companies, prescriptions, dr. bills, and everything else that goes along with that can become so overwhelming. Hell just parking at the freaking hospital adds up!

The sad part is that the more important things like family vacations, family outings, or just hobbies in general get pushed aside because all you care about is keeping your loved one healthy so you make those sacrifices. But in the end, those are the things we end up regretting. I wonder how many that have lost a loved one have said to themselves "I wish I would have spent more time with them" or " I wish I wouldn't have let the bills control my life and my time with them." I am sure it happens all too often. Donations is not something that is easy for my family to ask for. I struggled with this concept for a long time which is why I am just now doing it. I have had several requests from friends and family that I do this so they can feel as though they are helping. I understand that and so I decided to set up an account for my parents.

She was on a trial in the beginning in which was going to pay for a lot of her medications and treatment. This last horrible hospital run took her off the trial and only added a billion more medications that I can't even keep up with. She has to give herself shots every day along with several other medications.
My parents are very humble people and a little prideful so I am sure this will come to them as a shock. I don't want to have any regrets with my family. We have already been extremely blessed with the amount of support we have received through flowers, food, cards, and just friendly faces visiting. From the bottom of our hearts, our family appreciates anything and everything and all of the support from our wonderful friends and family.

My mom is doing well as of now. She just had her third round of chemo and occasionally gets sick, but is mostly really tired. I am thankful for her progress and if she can make it through what she went through while in the hospital, I know she can make it through much more. The amount of strength she has is amazing! For anyone that knows her knows the heart and fight that she has in her. I am happy she has the chance to fight.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

An update on my mom's journey

On Tuesday, my mom was finally released from the hospital and received her second chemo treatment. It got delayed for almost a week because she was too weak for treatment, which was very frustrating. Wednesday was a decent day, but Thursday she slept all day and then Thursday night she got really sick. Friday she went into the hospital to get some fluids and nausea medicine through her IV and she had her stomach drained again. They drained 3 liters off this time which is a lot but it was at least over a week and not two days! Today is the best day she has had so far. She has been eating every meal and drinking water which is something we have not been able to get her to do at all. She said she slept amazing last night.

Constant prayers for more days like today are what we need. Today was wonderful and peaceful to know she was feeling good. Her next chemo treatment is on Wednesday and we hope that things remain good. Thank you to everyone for all of your support. It has been such a blessing to know how many people care about her.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Update: Roller Coaster

Well we are almost on day 7 in the hospital and it has been quite the ride. A week full of ups and downs and pure exhaustion from all parties involved. I will try to provide a quick update but there has been a lot going on so it might be lengthy.

On Saturday (her birthday) she got really sick and we took her to the hospital. They did a CAT scan and found that there were blood clots in her liver which is what they think is contributing to all of the sickness. Because of the clots in her liver, it is causing the liver to secrete fluid into the stomach. Sunday and Monday were horrible days and she was really sick. On Tuesday they drained 6 liters off of her stomach! That's three 2 liter coke bottles! I can't imagine what that felt like. They also went in on Tuesday and did a nerve block where they basically destroyed the nerve root that the tumor was pressing on that was causing so much pain. This really helped with her pain level and she hasn't had to have as much pain medication. The pain is under control, but the blood clots are not just yet.

Wednesday rolled around and she was feeling much better. Things were looking good and the Dr. said that she could probably go home on Thursday and then go in for her Chemo treatment Thursday afternoon. Then Wednesday night took us back down the hill and her stomach started filling back up and she was getting sick again. Thursday morning she called me and my dad in tears and it was a pretty emotional day. They drained her stomach again and this time drained 3 liters after only a day and a half. Today (Friday) was a a pretty rough day again. She can't keep anything down so they have taken her off all foods and liquids and are trying to calm her stomach down. She can't even take any medicine in pill form so either she gets it through her IV or she doesn't.

All of these medications are so hard to keep up with and understand. Really all of this is so hard to understand. When you are in a hospital, its natural to think that these are the doctors and they are going to fix this. When they can't, its hard to justify why. It's hard to accept that they are doing all they can and it induces more anger and frustration. They didn't give her the chemo yesterday or today and it has now been pushed back to Monday. This frustrates me even more because I am ready to fight this battle and we aren't even getting the chance to do that. We just need prayers that they get these blood clots under control and let her get back to her fight. She has to give herself a shot in the stomach twice a day now to help try to dissolve the blood clots. She just needs a break. Some good luck. Something on her side right now. She just looks miserable and I can't imagine how she feels.

Please pray for a quick recovery. I am staying overnight with her, so tomorrow I hope to have better news.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I'm sitting in the hospital cafeteria eating lunch by myself while my dad is home taking a shower and getting his things together and my mom is trying to rest. I find myself just thinking about life and why we wait until something terrible happens that affects us personally to take time to think about our own lives and priorities.

I know it's only human nature, but why? Why is it this way? Before all this happened the things that my husband and I stressed about where so huge but now they are nothing compared to losing a life. One of the hardest things when faced with a traumatic event is reflecting back on your life and wondering why you took advantage of certain things. I know it's one of those things that you don't know until you experience it, but it's hard to wrap my brain around it.

When life is good, it's good and you see no reason to reflect on yourself and your life. But the second things go wrong is when your mind fills with things you wish you had said or done. Life is so complicated yet so simple at the same time. Regret is one of life's greatest struggles.

Seeing her so miserably sick yesterday and, still today, made me so angry. Partly because I saw a little bit into our future and what it will be like in the end, partly because I was so angry that she has to go through this at all , and partly because the cancer won and took away a day of memories I was looking forward to making.

For an update cause after all that reflection I'm sure some are wondering what's going on. She couldn't get any fluids in her body yesterday and they sent her to the hospital so they could at least pump fluids through an IV. They did another CAT scan last night and this morning went over the results.
Little bit of good news. Little bit of bad news. Good first: they said they could see that there were "medically treated tumors" whatever the hell that means. I'm going to ask her oncologist tomorrow for clarification, but it seemed as though they were saying that they could tell the tumors were responding to chemo.

Bad news: there are a few blood clots in her liver where the tumors are constricting blood vessels. To turn that around into good news, they think that this is the reason she is so sick and not because of the chemo. I was happy to hear that to know she won't be like this every weekend. She has a lot of fluid in her stomach causing a lot of discomfort but hopefully after that drains she will feel a little better.

She is still getting sick but is getting a little better. They will probably keep her a few more days. We just pray that her body will somewhat adjust to the chemo and she will get somewhat of some normalcy in her life. Till next time.. Take care.

Saturday, January 14, 2012



I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You couldn't even let my mom have an enjoyable birthday. You already tore our hearts out with your existence but now you have my mom in the hospital on her birthday. You must not have liked that chemo that we used to attack you and now your attacking back. She couldn't even keep fluids down and you made her miserable on her birthday. With a fever and all. You are so evil. I will never forgive you. I hate you cancer.


One of many happy days

Today is a happy day. Today cancer doesn't exist in my eyes because today is my mother's birthday. If fact thats the last I will write or speak that word today. She turn 52 today and I can't be more proud to have her as a mother. She has taught me more than I can ever put into words. Sometimes the people you love the most are the people that you sometimes forget to tell them how much they mean to you. My mom has always been my best friend and always will be. I hope that I am half the mother she is. She always had the perfect balance between being a friend to me that I could talk to about anything and still being the parent that I am pretty sure that I said "I hate you" as a teenager many times. In my eyes that means you are doing your job as a parent when your teenager "hates" you at some point.

We are so much alike it is scary. I sometimes wonder if we have any differences at all. I used to get annoyed and irritated when people would say "you look and act just like your mother" but now its the greatest compliment I could ever get. She is my inspiration. She is so strong and compassionate about helping others and she has had so many people say the most amazing things about her that it is overwhelming. I know that she will read this and cry and I hope she does. I hope that this post tells her everything that is sometimes hard to get out in words.

My sister (Ticia) and I are taking her to get manicures and pedicures today and then our family is cooking out and grilling steaks and playing silly games all afternoon. We may even play a little dance dance revolution on the Wii but I am sure us girls will have to battle the guys against playing the fishing game on the Wii. But I am sure we will win. We always get our way!
Well I just want to say Happy Birthday to the most amazing woman on this earth. My mom!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Our World Turned Upside Down

I started this blog partly for myself, but also to share my mothers journey in this battle against pancreatic cancer. I am posting a couple of blogs I wrote before I was ready to share with everyone because I believe in being transparent. This is our reality and there is no point in hiding from it.

I am 13 weeks pregnant and it is the worst week of my life. It's amazing how your world can be turned upside down in a matter of days. On Tuesday 01/03/2012, we received confirmation that my mother, age 51, is suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The same viscous disease that took my grandmother from us at the early age of 51 and now my mother will be taken from it. The emotions of shock, anger, sadness, and complete numbness have encompassed every bit of my family's body. I don't understand it and contribute it to the workings of the devil, but then try to remember that He has a plan and we can't always understand that plan. That is where faith comes in. My faith is strong but some days it is weak. I ask the question why too many times in a day; why her, why my family, why now, why this kind of cancer? I prayed that God give us any other cancer but this. I want to say "Really God? You made her watch her mother go through this and suffer from it and now you are making her go through it?" How is that fair?

A lot of people don't know much about pancreatic cancer and how horrible it is. People tell you "oh she can beat this and we will be praying for her to be cancer free." While I want to stay positive and I know it is nothing but support, I can't help but see the negative. I know my mom has everything needed to fight this, and if anyone can fight it its her. But when you are fighting a monster that has more strength, power, and evilness than you, the fight will only last so long. Only 3 out of every 100 people diagnosed live to 5 years and the average life span with treatment is 9-12 months.

Life without my mom is a life I don't want to live. I am not even at a point where I accept this and don't know that I ever will be. I want to wake up from this horrible dream, only its not a dream, its reality. My reality. This is going to be the hardest journey I have ever been on. I'm scared, but no where even close to how scared she is. It's just not her time.

Prayer, faith, hope, love, friends, and family are all we have to fight this. Please help us fight this battle.

Today I am better. A little bit stronger but still wearing a heavy heart. Physically I'm not feeling so hot because I have had this horrible stomach bug that rocked my weekend but its passing.

It's weird how I feel like my whole world has stopped but everyone else is still going on with their lives. I want the world to stop with me and fix this. As a counselor I help other work through life struggles and disappointments and often wonder why some can't cope and move on. Now I know. I'm just mad now. I have a lot of anger inside me and I get angry at people who are choosing to destroy their bodies when she isn't given a choice. We take advantage of our lives and our bodies and never think it will happen to us.

It's hard to accept when people tell you to be thankful for the time you have had with her and not everyone gets that time. While that is true, its not fair. Its not fair for them and its not fair for me that many others get their parents for the majority of their lives. I know life isn't fair, but this is just cruel.

My question now is how do I cope? I have the faith and trust that He is going to get us through this but I don't know how to cope. I try being strong, but I feel so weak. I try being positive, but can't help from seeing the negative. Today is an angry day if you can't already tell. I am sure I will have more angry days, sad days, and happy days.